

My photo
Kansas City, Missouri, United States
and we can't stop having fun! We love taking pictures and making movies!! Check out our website. We can't wait to meet you!


Random Shoot - May '09

We began this month's random shoot like we do many of our random shoots. We just drive until we see a place or town name that looks interesting, drive around for an hour or two stopping along the way to capture some images, then rely on Josh's trusty gps to get us home. It's worked so far. Why change it?

Garmin Day

This month we stumbled on Adrian, Mo and some interesting surrounding areas. We started the afternoon with an early dinner, which you can see more of at josh's blog.

I don't understand what this sign means. Are we only halfway in Adrian? Eh?

Half The Man

If you're a pedestrian, don't worry, there are plenty of places you can walk in Adrian

Pedestrian Heaven

What a beautiful day it was.


Noted Nature

Up The Wall



Where At?

Road Walk

House On a Hill

Weeds and the Wheat 2

Take us home Garmin...

Garmin Night

1 comment:

Josh said...

Nice images. although, i'm disappointed that i didn't get to see the one where my head was the sun :)

I'll try and get mine done in a day or so.

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