

My photo
Kansas City, Missouri, United States
and we can't stop having fun! We love taking pictures and making movies!! Check out our website. We can't wait to meet you!


Random Shoot: April '09

Ok, I know it's not April anymore. We've really been waiting til the last minute to do these monthly shoots. But the good news is, we haven't missed a month yet, and it's been a year and a half.

This month, we went out without any sort of plan. We just drove. Then we stumbled upon Strasburg Missouri. Population 136, or 137? Go to Josh's blog for more on that confusion. Well, no matter the number of residents, it was a great little town to visit. Away we go.

Josh really wanted to blow on this dandy lion. Couldn't tell ya why.

Blown a Way

Direct Shuns




Paul In Nation

Leafed Alone

There Is A Fox Among Us

Through The Cracks

Lice End Plates



Win A Bagel

There's no telling how long this thing has been sitting in the middle of nowhere

Curt Tan

Handle The steers


I promise we will try our best to do May's shoot before the last day of the month


Josh said...

I look like a badass in that first shot!

How did your maggot pics turn out?

Drew said...

They were very maggoty to say the least.

Caley said...

I lived in Strasburg for about 9 years...... welcome to my small town. hahaha. To say the least, it was quite a fun place for me to grow up actually. WIth NOTHING in the town, we always found something.

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