

My photo
Kansas City, Missouri, United States
and we can't stop having fun! We love taking pictures and making movies!! Check out our website. We can't wait to meet you!


adventure? 3.0

So this last Sunday, Adventure Sunday, we went on another adventure. We didn't get to go where we were originally planning, but since this is an every two week thing, we should be going there soon.

same crew this week, except Billy couldn't come, and we had Joe and Miles (Sassy's dog) along. Sassy came too, I just ran out of bodies to put Miles' head on, good thing I'm a master of photoshop!

Adventure Introductions (revised again)


Cut the Red Wire?


Miles loves adventure!



A Ladder





Until next time friends ...


Random Shoot, February

It's that time of the month. Random shoot with Josh Time. This month, we decided to go out by Josh's new studio. I've been doing a lot of rural shoots lately, so it was a nice change to explore around The City Market and industrial areas of Kansas City. It was a little bit chilly, but not so cold that we weren't going to not go, just because we were too weak (cough ...Kelley).

Hope you enjoy





He Will find US


By Any Other Name

Chain Link




So if you've been following the saga of the ADVENTURE, you'll know that a few weeks ago, a group of young men, (myself included) journeyed to an unknown location to seek ADVENTURE. On our last journey, we were not able to find what we had originally set out to find. We did, however, find ADVENTURE. This time out, we found what we had set out for (maybe). This place ... a mythical neighborhood, abandoned in the 70's or 80's, because it had been built on ground that was very unstable, with sink holes all around. We think we found the place, but we're not sure, because what we found, was only a few building, not an entire neighborhood. Whatever it was, it was pretty sweet, and we had a good time ... Enjoy; ADVENTURE ... dun, dun, dun ... 2.0!

Same crew, except Nigel (LeGrande Combo) was not able to make it this time. No worries, our good friend Jeremy was able to come. I have since re-done the ADVENTURE intro photo.

Adventure 1

Also... I think we should have a sweet name for our crew. Like ... the super adventure club. Let me know what you think. I'm pretty sure that name has not been used.

Adventure 2

Adventure 3

Adventure 4

Adventure 5

In one of the houses, there was this weird rope tying all the cabinets and doors together. Strange.

Adventure 6

Adventure 7


Adventure 8

Adventure 9

Adventure 10

Adventure 11

Adventure 12

Adventure 14

Adventure 13

Adventure 15

Adventure 16

Adventure 17

Adventure 18

Adventure 19

Adventure 20

This is what happens when you don't recycle kids.

Adventure 21

Adventure 22

Adventure 23

Adventure 24

Adventure 25

We left a starting point to the ADVENTURE. So if you're hiking through the woods, you find an abandoned road that says, "ADVENTURE!", in duct tape ... you'll know, you're on your way to .... ADVENTURE!

Adventure 26

Until next time ...


Scion Open 09'

Last Saturday, I got to go to the Scion Open in downtown Kansas City, and get some shots of the snowboarders with Josh. It was a good time! i don't really follow snowboarding, but I have always been into anything x-games style. Apparently, they had some of the top snowboarders in the country! Josh had VIP passes, so we were able to go pretty much wherever we wanted and take pictures. I spent a lot of time on top of this sweet ramp that they built right in the middle of downtown. The only downside was that we had, I think, record highs all weekend, so the snow was melting pretty quick, and by the end of the night, it was pretty nasty in there.

Anyway, here's some shots!

Scion Open 1

Scion Open 2

Scion Open 3

Scion Open 4

Scion Open 5

Scion Open 6

Scion Open 7

Scion Open 7

Scion Open 8

Scion Open 9

Scion Open 10

Scion Open 11

Scion Open 12

Scion Open 13

Scion Open 14

Scion Open 15

Scion Open 16

Scion Open 17

Scion Open 18

Scion Open 19

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